Bangladesh Krishi Bank: Recruitment Circular

Bangladesh Krishi Bank
(Bangladesh Agricultural Bank)

Bangladesh Krishi Bank 

Head Office.

Human Resource Management Department- 

Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000 


1) Applications are being invited from the citizens of Bangladesh for the appointment of doctors, one female and one male for BKB Staff College Complex [as a full time health consultant (contract based)]. 

  1. Designation: Permanent health Advisor (Contract based) - 02 (two) persons 

  2. Age: Maximum 62 (sixty two) years at the last date of application

  3. Educational Qualification and Experience: (a) At least 5 (five) years experience as General Practitioner with MBBS degree; (B) Must be registered with Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council, and (c) Preference will be given to those with higher degree.

  4. Duty: Every working day except public and weekly leave till the time of office hours.

  5. Salary Allowances (Consolidated): Total Tk. 60,000/- (Negotiable).

  6. Term of contract: 03 (three) years.

2) Interested candidates should apply for Educational Qualification, Certificate of Experience, two copies of recent oil passport size photograph, copy of National Identity Card and CV with Deputy General Manager, Human Resource Management Department-1, Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Head Office, 83-85, Motijheel. Must arrive by 31-05-2022.

*Incomplete or application will not be considered after the deadline. 


Deputy General Manager,

Human Resource Management Department-1,

Bangladesh Krishi Bank,

Head Office, 83-85, Motijheel, Dhaka- 1000

Signed /

Deputy General Manager

 Khershed Anwar 

CIRCULAR: 17-08-2020
Bangladesh Krishi Bank
(Bangladesh Agricultural Bank)
Head Office, Dhaka: Department of Law


➤ Circular regarding appointment of lawyers for panel registration in Bangladesh Krishi Bank/ 

* Lawyers will be appointed for the purpose of panel-entry in Bangladesh Krishi Bank.

* Applications are being invited from wise lawyers engaged in regular legal profession.
Bangladesh Krishi Bank is engaged in regular legal profession for the purpose of recruitment of lawyers for panel membership

* Applications should be invited from the wise lawyers in the prescribed form.

 Application must be received by 20-09-2020



  1. ভাই পরিসখংন কি কাজ হবে ভাই

    1. ভাই ব্যাংকের মামলা পরিচালনার জন্য আইনজীবী নিয়োগ এবং আইনজীবীর বার কাউন্সিলে তালিকাভুক্তির সনদ থাকা অবশ্যক সুতরাং হয়তো পরিসংখ্যান প্রযোজ্য হবেনা, স্পষ্ট ধারণার জন্য আরও অধিক অনুসন্ধান করা যেতে পারে


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