14/6 - 14/23, Pallabi, Mirpur-12, Dhaka-1216
Phone: 01769-721010, Fax: 02-57051010
E-mail: regoffice@bsmrmu.edu.bd,
Memo/ Ref: .. .. .. / (14-06-21)
Date: 15 June 2021 (Published)
Job Circular/ Career Opportunity
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University (BSMRMU)
*The following posts will be appointed for Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University, Bangladesh (BSMRMU), established by Act No. 47 of 2013 of Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh.
⇨ Eligible and interested candidates are invited to apply on mentioned criteria basis for the following posts to join a winning team. Who are ready and fit for the following post can apply within stated date.
Position & No. of Vacancies:
*Assistant Professor: 02 people
1. Maritime Security End Strategic Studies- 01 person
2. Maritime Law and Policy- 01 person
Details see the circular and website
*Lecturer: 02 people
3. Harbor and River Engineering- 01 person
4. Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering- 01 person
Details see the circular and website
*See the Vacancy Announcement Circular Below.
Application Deadline:
05 July 2021
Recent Circular/ (More Info):
02. --
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