Bangladesh Tourism Board, Ministry of Civil Aviation- Media Fellowship 2021

Tourism Media Fellowship 2021
Bangladesh Tourism Board
Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism


Memo/ Ref:
Date: 10 June 2021 (Published)

Job Circular/ Career Opportunity

Bangladesh Tourism Board
*Bangladesh Tourism Board has taken initiative to provide Tourism Media Fellowship to 10 journalists in the financial year 2021-2022. Interested candidates are requested to submit the application for "Bangladesh Tourism Board: Tourism Media Fellowship 2021" by 25 June  2021. 
Application can be submitted directly or by post (Chief Executive Officer, Level-9, PARJATAN Bhaban, E-5, C/1, West Agargaon, Dhaka-1207) or by e-mail (
Please visit the Bangladesh Tourism Board website ( for information on Tourism Media Fellowship Policy. Media Fellowship Focal Person Md. Borhan Uddin can be contacted in this regard.
Md. Borhan Uddin, 
Assistant Director, 
Bangladesh Tourism Board
* 01722579813, *

What to include with the Fellowship Application:
A) Certificate of at least 3 years of professional experience in travel and tourism journalism.
B) Certificate of working in any print or electronic media registered by a government designated institution/ agency.
C) Consent letter in compliance with the guidelines related to the fellowship.
D) Photocopy of National Identity Card (NID).
Bangladesh Tourism Board
Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism
*See the Circular Below. 

Application Deadline: 

25 June 2021


Circular Published in National Dailies (*10-06-2021)


Recent Circular/ (More Info):


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