Scholarship/ Stipend for Children of Overseas Workers: Wage Earners Welfare Baird (WEWB)

Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Wage Earners Welfare Board
Ministry of Overseas Welfare and Overseas Employment
Prabasi Kalyan Bhaban.
71-72 Eskaton Garden, Ramna, Dhaka-1000.

Circular: 21-04-2022


Memo/ Ref No:   /
Date: 21-04-2022 (Published)

Scholarship/ Stipend 

 for Children of Overseas Workers

Application Call for “Scholarship for Children of Expatriate Workers” in SSC/ Equivalent-2021 and HSC/ Equivalent-2020 categories
01. Among the meritorious children of Overseas workers who have passed SSC/ equivalent examination in 2021 and are studying in various educational institutions of the country in eleventh/ equivalent or diploma (1st semester / year) and in HSC/ equivalent category in university/ medical (1st semester/ year). Applications are being invited online subject to the following conditions.
(1) Children of all expatriate workers may apply for scholarships
(A) Accepted BMET's Exit Permit / Wage Earners Welfare Baird membership;
(B) In case of deceased expatriate worker, the family of the deceased has received or will receive financial grant from A Baird.
(2) Students who have obtained GPA / CGPA may apply subject to the conditions described in the table below.
Category category
GPA/ CGPA according to the curriculum of Bangladesh
SSC/ Equivalent- Department of Science
In the case of children of expatriate workers
SSC/ Equivalent- Department of Science
In case of child of deceased expatriate worker
SSC/ Equivalent- Department of Humanities and Commerce
In the case of children of expatriate workers
SSC/ Equivalent- Department of Humanities and Commerce
In case of child of deceased expatriate worker
*** ***
*** ***
HSC/ Equivalent- Department of Science
In the case of children of expatriate workers
HSC/ Equivalent- Department of Science
In case of child of deceased expatriate worker
HSC/ Equivalent- Department of Humanities and Commerce
In the case of children of expatriate workers
HSC/ Equivalent- Department of Humanities and Commerce
In case of child of deceased expatriate worker
*** ***
(3) Nominated documents should be submitted along with the application form:
A) Supplementary documents such as passport, visa and BMET's exit clearance / manpower as proof that the parent is an expatriate worker.
Copy of Passport with Clearance/ Smart Card or Membership of Wage Earners Welfare Baird through Bangladesh Mission Abroad;
B) 02 (two) copies of passport size attested photo of the student by the head of the educational institution; 
C) Attested photocopy of the original marksheet of SSC / equivalent examination by the head of the institution (applicable for technical students);
D) Photocopy of NOC (Embassy Certificate) issued by Bangladesh Mission Abroad in case of children of deceased expatriate workers.
(4) Amount of Scholarship:
A) Students nominated for scholarship in SSC/ equivalent category for two (two) years upto class XI and XII and those studying in diploma class for 04 (four) years, 2,000/ - (two thousand) rupees per month and university in HSC/ equivalent category (1st semester / Scholarship at the rate of Rs. 2,500 / - per month for 4 years and 5 years for medical. In this case, the student's session will not be considered;
B) Scholarships in SSC / Equivalent and HSC / Equivalent categories will be provided at the rate of Rs. 3,500 / - (three thousand five hundred) and Rs.
(5) Application process:
A) All students have to apply online. Link to apply online:
B) Diploma in SSC/ equivalent category only (Technical Education Board students will apply directly/ by post. Wage Earners can apply directly by collecting free application form from Welfare Board website Documents have to be submitted; 
C) Online/ Direct Applicant's application form has to be duly filled and submitted along with the required documents by 31st May 2022. In case of direct / postal application, the application form should reach the Director (IRP), Wage Earners Welfare Board, 9th Floor, Prabas Kalyan Bhaban, 61-62 Old Elephant Road, Eskaton Garden, Ramna, Dhaka- 1000. No application received after that date will be accepted;
D) Mobile number of the student and his / her mobile number must be mentioned in the application form.
(6) Students of Diploma (Technical Baird) in SSC / equivalent category only will apply directly/ by post. Students in other categories will apply online.
(7) Incomplete application shall be deemed to be rejected and the decision of the authority regarding the award of scholarship shall be deemed to be final.
(8) For any information, please contact 24/7 "Prabasbandhu Call Center" numbers: 01784333333, 01794333333, 08000102030 (toll free), 09610102030 (from abroad).
(Arif Ahmed Khan).
Deputy Secretary to the Director (IRP)
*See the Circular Below. 

Application Deadline: 

31 May 2022


Circular Published in National Dailies (*21-04-2022)


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