1. GL Grape Bangladesh, 2. Kojima Lyric Garments, 3. GeeBee Bangladesh: Job Circulars

1. GL Grape Bangladesh Co., Ltd.
Plot No. 51-54,
Mongla Export Processing Zone,
Mongla, Bagerhat- 9351

Employment Opportunities
GL Grape Bangladesh Co., Ltd. is looking for quality people with reverent experience in camping tent industry to fill the some vacancy.

Vacant position 
1. Assistant Manager (Marketing)
2. Assistant Manager (Sales)

Qualified and experienced candi-dates are invited to apply via "fazlunuha@gmail.com"
GL Grape Bangladesh Co., Ltd. 
Plot No. 51-54,
Mongla Export Processing Zone,
Mongla, Bagerhat-9351, Bangladesh

Apply On or before May 10, 2019

Please include in your application a letter of introduction, including a description of your employment history and interests which make you a good fit for the role.

GL Grape Bangladesh Co. Ltd. 
Jong Keun Park (Managing Director)

2. Kojima Lyric Garments Ltd.
Chandona-Norani, Joydebpur Road,UP-Bason, Gazipur- 1702

Career Opportunity

A 100% Export oriented Readymade Garment Factory and Joint-Venture with Japan-Bangladesh is looking for following positions

I) Sewing Technician (13 persons)
2) Garments CAD Operator (5 persons)

4 to 5 years working experience in similar positions
At least HSC or Diploma of Similar educational knowledge

Job LocationFactory 
Please send CV along with 2 passport size photographs and all relevant copies into the following address before 10 May 2019. 

Foreigners are also encouraged to apply. 

Managing Director, 
Kojima Lyric Garments Ltd.
Chandona-Norani, Joydebpur Road, UP-Bason, Gazipur- 1702

3. Geebee (Bangladesh) Limited. 
Plot # 74-77, Karnaphuli EPZ, North Patenga, Chittagong, Bangladesh. 

Job Opportunity 

A 100% foreign owned "A"- category company located at Karnaphuli EPZ, Chittagong is looking for following personnel for immediate appointment:

Name of Post & Experience- 
01.1  POST: CEO, COO, CFO Experience- Minimum 10 Years in related field
02.1  POSTGeneral Manager, Experience- Minimum 08 Years in related field
03.1 POSTManager (Production), Experience- 05 Years in related field
03.2 POSTAsstt. Manager (Production), Experience- 03 Years in related field
03.3 POSTTechnician (Production), Experience- 02 Years in related field
04.1 POSTManager (Cutting), Experience- 05 Years in related field
04.2 POSTAsstt. Manager (Cutting), Experience- 03 Years in related field
04.3 POSTTechnician (Cutting), Experience- 02 Years in related field
05.1 POSTManager (Merchandising), Experience- 05 Years in related field
05.2 POSTAsstt. Manager (Merchandising), Experience- 03 Years in related field
05.3 POSTSr. Merchandiser, Experience- 02 Years in related field
05.3 POSTMerchandiser, Experience- 02 Years in related field
06.1 POSTManager (QA), Experience- 05 Years in related field
06.2 POSTAsstt. Manager (QA), Experience- 03 Years in related field
07.1 POSTManager (Accountant), Experience- 05 Years in related field
07.2 POSTAsstt. Manager (Accountant), Experience- 03 Years in related field
08.1 POSTManager (Store), Experience- 05 Years in related field
08.2 POSTAsstt. Manager (Store), Experience- 03 Years in related field
09.1 POSTManager (Maintenance), Experience- 05 Years in related field
09.2 POSTAsstt. Manager (Maintenance), Experience- 03 Years in related field
09.3 POSTTechnician (Maintenance), Experience- 02 Years in related field
10.1 POSTManager (Finishing), Experience- 05 Years in related field
10.2 POSTAsstt. Manager (Finishing), Experience- 03 Years in related field
10.3 POSTTechnician (Finishing), Experience- 02 Years in related field

Salary commensurate with experience. 

Please send your application & CV within 7 days to: 
Geebee (Bangladesh) Limited. 
Plot # 74-77, Karnaphuli EPZ, North Patenga, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Opportunity is open for Local & Foreigner's.


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