Shaheed Police Smrity College: Recruitment Circular

Shaheed Police Smrity College
 Mirpur-14, Dhaka-1206

Circular: 22-04-2022


Memo/ Ref No:   /
Date: 22-04-2022 (Published)

Job Circular/ Career Opportunity

Shaheed Police Smriti College, a reputed educational institution of the Bangladesh Police Force run by the Police Headquarters, will be given the post of “Part-time Assistant Lecturer” on full-time basis on the basis of merit in the following subjects:
Position & No. of Vacancies
1. Subject: Mathematics
Number of posts- 2 people.
2. Subject: Physics
Number of posts- 1 person.
3. Subject: Chemistry
Number of posts- 2 people.
Salary scale:
16,800/= in total
Maximum 35 years (until 17 May 2022)
Educational Qualifications:
Master's degree with honors in a related subject from a recognized university. Must have 2nd class/ division/ equivalent in all examinations.
Other things to note:
1. After 6 months of satisfactory service, the issue of Utsav Benas and Baishakhi allowance will be considered.
2. Interested candidates should send the application form directly or by post along with the Principal (Acting) mentioning their CV, age and mobile number to the office of the institution by 17/05/2022. After verifying the applications, the date and time of taking the written/ oral examination of the initially selected candidates will be informed later by phone/ mobile.
3. Attested photocopy of all the certificates related to the application form, 2 copies of color passport size photograph, photocopy of National Identity card and pay-order (which is non-refundable) worth Tk.500/= (five hundred) should be attached. Incomplete application will be considered rejected.
4. The appointed teachers will be bound to teach in any class from 1st to 12th class as per the decision of the authority. The authority reserves the right to cancel the appointment process without any reason and increase or decrease the number of posts mentioned in the advertisement as required by the organization.

The President, the Governing Body,
Shaheed police Smrity College
Eligible and interested candidates are invited to apply on mentioned criteria basis for the following posts to join a winning team. Who are ready and fit for the following post can apply within stated date.
*See the Vacancy Announcement/ Job Circular Below. 

Application Deadline: 



Circular Published in National Dailies


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