Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Customs Evaluation and Internal Audit Commissionerate
Commissionerate of Customs Valuation and Internal Audit, Dhaka
Gulfershan Plaza (6th Floor), 69, Outer Circular Road
Moghbazar, Dhaka-1217.
Circular: 02-05-2022
Memo/ Ref No: /
Job Circular/ Career Opportunity
Name of the post and salary
as per National Salary Scale
(2015) Scale and Grade)
01) Higher Assistant - 01 (one)
10,200-24,680 (Grade-14)
** a) Bachelor's degree or equivalent degree in CGPA at least second class or equivalent from a recognized university;
B) computer skills; computer typography speed Bengali-25 and English 30 words per minute
02) shorthand typographical computer operator- 01 (One)
10,200-24,680 (grade-14)
**a) any other second class from any recognized university or Bachelor's or equivalent degree in equivalent CGPA;
b) computer skills; And
c) Speed in shorthand writing Bengali- 45 and English- 70 per minute and computer typing speed Bengali- 25 and English- 30 words per minute
03) Sipahi - 01 (one)
9000-21,800 (Grade -17)
**a) Secondary School Certificate from any recognized education board;
b) Height male 5-4, female 5-2, chest size: 30-32 (in both).
04) Office Assistant - 03 (Three)
8,250-20,010 (Grade-20)
**Passed Secondary School Certificate or equivalent examination from any recognized Board.
05) Night Guard - 01 (one)
8,250-20,010 (Grade-20)
**Class 8 pass.
06) Cleaning staff - 01 (one)
8,250-20,010 (Grade-20)
**Class 8 pass.
** (Post- 1, 2, 3) Candidates from districts which do not need to apply:
Manikgang, Munshigang, Narsingdi, Faridpur, Mymensingh, Comilla, Joypurhat, Jashore, Narail, Bagerhat, Barisal, Bhola and Sunamganj districts Candidates are not required to apply, (However, orphans and physically challenged candidates from all districts can apply.)
** (Post- 4, 5, 6) All candidates from all districts can apply.
01. The age of the applicant should be minimum 18 (eighteen) years and maximum 30 (thirty) years on 01-05-2022. However, only freedom fighters / sons-daughters of freedom fighters and physically challenged candidates age limit is relaxed up to 32 (thirty two) years.
02. Age limit for sons/ daughters of freedom fighters is 30 years.
03. Affidavit of age proof is not admissible. It is to be noted that in case of departmental candidates, the age limit can be relaxed up to 40 years.
04. Appropriate candidates for employment in government / semi-government and autonomous organizations Apply subject to the permission of the authorities and verbally Submit no-objection letters during the examination. In this case no advance copy will be accepted.
05. Candidate Eligibility Verification: At the time of oral examination, 01 (one) attested photocopy of each of the following original documents should be submitted.
A, Certificate of all educational qualifications of the candidate (including certificate of experience if applicable)
B. Candidate who is a permanent resident of City Corporation / Union / Municipality / Ward has a certificate of citizenship from the Chairman / Municipal Mayor / Councilor of the Union Parishad.
C. Certificate of citizenship issued by the appropriate authority in support of quota claims other than women's quota.
D. Certificate of Character issued by a Gazetted Officer of the first class.
E. Attested photocopy of National Identity Card (NID) / Birth Certificate.
F. Applicants Copy and Admit Card filled in online.
G. If the applicant is Muktijoddha / Shaheed Muktijoddha's son-daughter or Muktijoddha / Shaheed Muktijoddah's son-daughter, then the certificate of Muktijoddah and the relationship with the applicant by the Chairman of the concerned Union Parishad / Mayor / Ward Councilor of City Corporation. Certificate.
In case of Physically Handicapped, Orphans, Minorities and Ansar and Village Defense Member candidates, attested copy of the certificate issued by the appropriate authority in accordance with the latest policy of the Government.
J. The applicant has to mention in the application the issue of his latest acquired educational qualification. If any information provided by the candidate or the submitted documents is proved to be fake, false or forged or forged or misused in the examination, the candidature of the concerned candidate will be canceled and legal action will be taken against him. Authority to cancel the candidature of any candidate who has passed the examination in case of misrepresentation of information / fake documents. Save.
06. Written, practical (if necessary, oral and oral examinations will be taken for all the posts. Short-typographic work-Computer operator posts Only candidates who have passed the written and practical examination will be considered eligible for the oral examination.
07. If a candidate is not a citizen of Bangladesh or marries or commits to a person who is not a citizen of Bangladesh or Convicted by a criminal court of moral turpitude or employed by a government or autonomous organization or local authority If he is dismissed, he will not be considered eligible to apply.
08. Quota system will be followed as per government policy.
09. The latest circulars / policies issued by the government regarding recruitment will be followed.
10. The date and schedule of the written test will be announced via SMS. Also (Commissionerate of Customs Evaluation and Internal Audit, Dhaka) Baird and the website ( will be published in the box. Practical and oral of the candidates who have passed the written test The date and schedule of the examination (of the Commissionerate of Customs Evaluation and Internal Audit, Dhaka) will be published on the Natish Baird and on the website.
11. No TA / DA will be given for participation in written / practical / oral examination.
12. The notification can be found in the box of the Commissionerate of Customs Evaluation and Internal Audit, Dhaka (
13. Incomplete, defective and late applications will be considered as rejected.
14. The number of vacancies mentioned in the notification may be reduced or increased.
15. Participate in the examination by following the hygiene rules issued by the government.
16. The decision of the authority on which corner of the recruitment test will be final.
Rules and do's and don'ts of online application:
A) Candidates interested in participating in the examination should fill the application form on this website
Application Deadline:
i) Online Application Form Completion and Examination Fee Submission Date and Time 09-05-2022 at 10.00 am.
ii) Last date and time for submission of application form online is 08-06-2022 till 5.00 pm. Candidates who have obtained User ID on the website mentioned in the said period will have to submit the examination fee in SMS within the next 72 (seventy two) hours from the time of submitting the application form online.
B) In the online application form the candidate has to scan his color picture (length 300 x width 300) pixel and signature (length 300 x width 60) pixel at the specified place. Upload. Image size must be a maximum of 100KB and signature size must be a maximum of 60KB.
C) Since the information filled in the online application form will be used in all subsequent activities, the candidate himself will be 100% sure about the accuracy of all the information before submitting the application form online.
D) Candidates should save a printed copy of the application form filled in online as a help in any need related to the examination and submit one copy during the oral / practical examination.
E) Rules for sending SMS and payment of examination fee:
After filling the online application form properly, uploading the photo and signature as per the instructions and submitting the application form, the application preview with photo can be seen on the computer. Correctly Candidates (User ID, photo and signed) will get an Applicant's copy. If any information in the applicant's copy is incorrect or the obscure picture (full black / full white / gray) or the picture / signature is not correct then you can re-apply. However, since no further change / modification / extension is acceptable after submission of application fee, the candidate must submit his / her latest oil color photograph, accurate information and signature attached to the applicant's copy and ensure its accuracy by downloading the PDF copy and saving it in color print. Do. Applicants will be given a User ID number in the Copy and using the User ID number the candidate will send 02 (two) SMS through any Teletalk Pre-paid Mobile Number in the following manner. 12/- (for non-refundable) of tk. amount For service charge of Teletalk 6/- (six) taka (non-refundable) total 56/- (fifty six) taka will pay the examination fee within 72 (seventy two) hours. Of particular note, Even if all the parts of the application form are filled and submitted online, the application form will not be accepted online under any circumstances till the examination fee is submitted.
Rules of SMS:
First SMS:
CVA <space> UserID and send to 16222.
Reply: Applicant's Name, TK-112/56 will be charged as application fee. Your PIN is 12345678. To pay fee Type CVA <Space> Yes <Space> PIN and send to 16222
Second SMS:
CVA <space> YES <space> PIN and send to 16222.
Example: CVA YES 12345678
Reply: Congratulation Applicant's Name, payment completed successfully for CVA Application for (post name) User ID is (ABCDEF) and Password (XXXXXXX).
F) After sending the second SMS, you will get the password in the return SMS. The User ID and Password received via SMS should be saved for future use.
H) Candidates can retrieve their respective User ID and Password from Teletalk Pre-prepaid Mobile Phone only by following the following SMS procedure (if applicable):
User ID Knowing: CVA <space> Help <space> User <space> User ID & Send to 16222. Example: CVA HELP USER ABCDEF
ii) If PIN Number is known: CVA <space> Help <space> PIN No & Send to 16222. Example: CVA HELP PIN 12345678
t) Online Application and deposit of money is done by the candidate himself. Do. In this case, the authority will not be responsible if the candidate is deceived by completing the work through any other means.
L) In addition to the notification magazine (Customs Evaluation and Internal Audit Commissionerate) website all related information including the notification can be seen in the appointment box. Or the notification can be obtained by accessing the job-portal of Teletalk, the only state mobile operator in Bangladesh directly through QR Code Scan. The date, time and other information of job examination can be found in the job box of website.
If you have any problem to apply online, you can send this e-mail from any teletalk mobile to 121 or or (Mail's Subject to Organization Name: CVA, Post Name * ***, Applicants User ID and Contact Number must be specified).
17) Declaration: The candidate should declare in the declaration part of the online application form that all the information given by the candidate in the application form is correct and true. If the information provided is proved to be untrue or false or if any incompetence is found or if any fraud or corruption is resorted to or if the examination is forged or misused, before or after the examination Even after the appointment at that stage the candidature will be canceled and the candidate concerned Legal action can be taken against him.
18. With enough time on hand without waiting for the last date and time (Online) To fill up the application form and submit the application fee Suggestions are being made.
19. In the case of this appointment, all the existing rules / orders of the government and in the case of changes, the applicable rules (latest) will be followed / followed properly.
(May: Abdul Mannan Sardar)
Additional Commissioner And Member Secretary
Divisional Appointment Committee
Customs Evaluation and Internal Audit
Commissionerate, Dhaka.
Application Deadline:
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