Circular: 12-05-2022
Job Circular/ Career Opportunity
Working hours: 20
hours per week.
Before the actual interview,
you will be asked to undertake a written test. The first interviews will
be held on 26. May and second round on 31. May. In case we choose you for
interviews, you will be notified no later than 23rd May.
We will only notify the candidates selected for interviews.
Place of work
The Embassy of Denmark in
Dhaka, Bangladesh is co-located with the Norwegian and Swedish Embassies in
Gulshan- 2.
Length of Contract
The contract will have a
duration till the end of this year, extension subject to approval of new phase. The position is subject to initial 3 months’
probation period.
of Work
The Sector Counselor is
handling a Government-to-Government Occupational Safety & Health initiative
focusing on inspectors in DIFE (Department of Inspection for Factories and
Establishments). The initiative include among other Danish experts providing
training and guidance to DIFE inspectors. Other activities with projects in the
same– sustainability– area is foreseen.
The Government-to-Government
initiative started in 2016 and it is expected to continue until December 2025.
There is a need for an Assistant to handle day to day practical tasks and take
care of registrations, follow up, detailed planning and financial reporting and
Application Deadline:
17 May 2022
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