Institute of Nutrition and Food Science
Circular: 12-05-2022
Memo/ Ref No: /
Date:12-May-2022 (Published)
Job Circular/ Career Opportunity
*The firm will fill its following vacant posts urgently.
Applications are being invited from qualified genuine Bangladeshi nationals candidates for appointment to the following posts on regular salary scale and payable and other allowances as per rules and procedures.
Applications in prescribed from, obtainable from the office of the Registrar, are invited from the Bangladeshi nationals for filling up 3 (Three) permanent post of Lecturer in the Institute of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Dhaka. In the pay scales of Tk. 22,000-53,060/- (National Pay scale2015).
Candidates must have first class/ in case of CGPA 3.50 out of 4.00 in Honors, and Master's degree in Nutrition & Food Science with minimum first class/in case of GPA 4.25 out of 5.00 in S.S.C. & H.S.C. Examinations. In case of candidates who have achieved first position/highest CGPA in Honors or Masters Examinations, the condition of S.S.C./H.S.C. GPA may be relaxed. Other qualifications being equal preference may be given to those who have higher degree.
Eight copies of application together with attested copies of certificates, testimonials and mark-sheets and proof of experience along with a Pay Order/Bank Draft of the value Tk. 750/- (Seven hundred fifty) only payable to the Registrar, should reach Director, Institute of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Dhaka on or before 31.05.2022. Candidates already in service must apply through proper channel.
⇨ Eligible and interested candidates are invited to apply on mentioned criteria basis for the following posts to join a winning team. Who are ready and fit for the following post can apply within stated date.
Position & No. of Vacancies:
Lecturer- 03
Institute of Nutrition and Food Science,
University of Dhaka
*See the Circular
Application Deadline:
31 May 2022
Circular Published in National Dailies (*12-May-2022)
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