Department of Criminology
Circular: 12-05-2022
Memo/ Ref No: /
Date: 12-May-2022 (Published)
Job Circular/ Career Opportunity
UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA, Department of Criminology
*The firm will fill its following vacant posts urgently.
Applications are being invited from qualified genuine Bangladeshi nationals candidates for appointment to the following posts on regular salary scale and payable and other allowances as per rules and procedures.
Applications in prescribed form, obtainable from the office of the Registrar, are invited from the Bangladeshi nationals for filling up 02 (two) permanent posts of Associate Professor in the Department of Criminology in the Pay scale of Tk. 50,000-71,200/- (National Pay Scale-2015).
Candidates must have high academic qualifications preferably with a PhD. or equivalent degree in Criminology/ Law/ Sociology. They should have at least 7 (seven) years of teaching and research experience in a University or an Institute of Advanced Research. They should have original research works published in recognized research journals. Experience and performance as a teacher as well as significant contribution to different areas of University activities especially in guiding the overall educational and co-curricular activities of the students will also be treated as qualification.
**Eleven copies of application together with attested copies of certificates, testimonials, marksheets and proof of experience along with a Pay Order/Bank Draft of the value of Tk. 1000/(One thousand) only, payable to the Registrar, should reach him on or before 12/06/2022.
**Candidates already in service must apply through proper channel.
⇨ Eligible and interested candidates are invited to apply on mentioned criteria basis for the following posts to join a winning team. Who are ready and fit for the following post can apply within stated date.
Position & No. of Vacancies:
*Associate Professor- 02 (two)
Department of Criminology
*See the Vacancy Announcement/ Job Circular Below.
Application Deadline:
12 June 2022
Circular Published in National Dailies (*12-May-2022)
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