Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Bangladesh Representative Office: Recruitment Circular

Indian Oil-  इंडियनऑयल

Indian Oil 
Corporation Limited 
Bangladesh Representative Office
Type # R, Level # 42 (11th Floor), Unique Heights 
117, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka-1215. Bangladesh

Circular: 12-05-2022


Memo/ Ref No:   /
Date: 12-May-2022 (Published)

Job Circular/ Career Opportunity

Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Bangladesh Representative Office
*The firm will fill its following vacant posts urgently.
Applications are being invited from qualified genuine Bangladeshi nationals candidates for appointment to the following posts on regular salary scale and payable and other allowances as per rules and procedures.
Position & No. of Vacancies
Office Receptionist- (01 Position) 
Qualification/ age/ experience 
Minimum Graduate from a recognized institution/ maximum 30 years-Minimum 21 years/ not essential. 
Nature of job 
On a yearly Contract basis, to be renewed on year to year basis on benchmark performance. 
Salary and parks 
Lumsum BDT 21278/- per month plus Bonus as applicable as per contract. 
Interested eligible candidates meeting qualification and experience should apply within 22 May 2022 online by sending their CV at email id-
*Only short-listed candidates will be called for written test or interview. Management reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason whatsoever.
Eligible and interested candidates are invited to apply on mentioned criteria basis for the following posts to join a winning team. Who are ready and fit for the following post can apply within stated date.
*See the Vacancy Announcement/ Job Circular Below. 

Application Deadline: 

 22 May 2022


Circular Published in National Dailies (*12-May-2022)

Indian Oil Corporation Limited 
Bangladesh Representative Office
Type # R, Level # 42 (11th Floor), Unique Heights 
117, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka-1215. Bangladesh

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